Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Dear Me Letter

Dear Me (as a first year teacher),
How's your first year going?  Good I hope!  I wanted to give you a little encouragement and advice as you begin your new career.  So sit back and listen up....I've got some things to say...

First and most importantly, always remember that it's okay to have fun.  When you enjoy what you're doing it will show and your students will respond likewise.

Second, enjoy these first years.  Oh how I remember the days before the EOG and testing, testing, testing.  Your job will become more involved as you continue through your career and you'll be called on to do much more than you imagined, so be prepared.

Third, try to gain some organizational skills.  It sure will help you out later.

Fourth, treasure the friends you make along the way.  They will make coming to work a lot more fun.

Lastly, it's okay if you don't know everything.  No one really does (even though they think they do.)  Laugh a lot and smile a lot.  It'll be over before you know it!

Have a great year!


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